Sunday 4 December 2011

Colognes Versus Perfumes

Most people, who don’t use perfumes much, have a scarce idea about what is cologne and what is a perfume. They consider both of them as the same thing. But a perfume and cologne are two different things. Both are used for different occasions and at different times of the day.Let us have a look on the major differences between cologne and a perfume.

Perfumes are made up of different fragrant substances and oils.Cheap Perfume The type and concentration of these substances affect the quality and fragrance of each and every perfume. There are a lot of different type of perfumes available such as Eau de Cologne, Eau de toilette, Eau de Parfum, perfume mist, perfume extracts, etc. All of these differ in concentration, ingredients and blending. They also come is different types of fragrances like woody, musky, spicy, floral, oriental, citrusy, etc.

Perfumes have a concentration of essential oils and fragrant substances ranging between 10- 20%. Most common perfumes have 15% concentration of the ingredients. Eau de Colognes or simply colognes have 3% to 8% concentration of fragrant substances. On an average most cologne contain 5% of the scent producing oils. That is why perfumes are strong while colognes are light in nature.

The number, type and quality of ingredients make a difference between perfumes and colognes. Perfumes have a blend of a large number of ingredients. A single perfume can contain up to a hundred such fragrant substances, artificial or natural. Colognes generally are based on fewer elements than perfumes. However both of them may contain the major elements similar to each other. Perfumes carry extra elements to make them more strong and enticing. These elements are fixatives or just fixing elements that bind the top notes of the perfumes with the middle notes to make it smell longer.

Perfumes and colognes also differ on the occasions and time they are worn. Colognes are best suitable if you want to feel fragrant and light. Perfumes suit you best when going out. They smell stronger and remain for long on your body. If you want to go out in the day time or for an evening date or party, you can wear a perfume of your choice. If you are at home, spending your time in the kitchen or the garden, you’ll probably have to choose cologne. Colognes can be used just after bath to feel fresh and exotic.

Whatever is the ingredient and fragrant of the perfume or cologne, both of them are not to be considered the same. They are different types of scents for different occasions. Wearing them shall increase your personality impact and style among people.

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Friday 18 November 2011

Storing your Perfumes

Perfumes do not need much care, but if their proper storage is ignored, they tend to lose their scent and become a waste. Imagine you take out your favorite perfume and spray on your body and it gives off a terrible smell or no smell at all. You certainly do not want this to happen to you. No one wants to lose money in such a way and therefore a little care has to be taken while storing perfumes.

Perfumes come expensive and therefore must be handled with care and stored properly to maintain their longevity.Cheap Perfume Sunlight, heat, air, moisture, etc can decrease their shelf life and effect, therefore proper storage is a necessity. Here we look out at the factors that can degrade the quality of perfumes and why proper storage becomes a necessity.

Sunlight and heat are certainly the worst enemies of perfumes. Perfume bottles should not be placed where direct sunlight falls on them. Direct exposure of perfumes towards sunlight and heat darkens the perfume changing its smell and color. Varying temperatures can also bring up similar results. Cool and shady places are the best to keep your perfumes.

Storing perfumes in refrigerators is not a good idea too. They change the taste and smell of the other edible items inside the refrigerator or can be much more harmful. You certainly do not want your vegetable to smell like an Azzaro or Calvin Klein perfume.

Air fades away the effect of the perfume. So if your perfume bottle isn’t properly capped it might be losing its fragrance soon. Also remember not to keep the perfume bottle open for longer periods. The oxygen in the air might change the molecular structure of the perfume, thus, altering its smell. Never store your perfumes on table tops so that you can get them easily, they are best stored in drawers and cabinets, away from direct air and sunlight.

Moisture is also not considered good for perfumes. It depreciates the quality of perfumes, so storing them in bathrooms, as most of the ladies do, is not a wise idea.Mens perfume The humidity and the moisture may not suit your perfume well. Always store your perfumes in a cool and dry place to make sure they last long.

Perfumes are quite delicate products in nature and it becomes very important to store them carefully away from heat, sunlight, air and moisture. Make sure you recap the perfume bottle after every use to maintain the same aroma and fragrance for a longer time. Deodorant are also to be taken care of otherwise they tend to lose they effect and their smell fades off very easily too when you wear them. Everything needs care and proper handling and so do perfumes. Make sure you care for them and they’ll make sure to last longer on your body.

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Perfume and Deodorant Allergies

People have always wanted to smell good. Millions of people around the world use perfumes to make themselves, their homes, cars and other valuables smell good. Fragrant substances are being used in products like colognes and perfumes, soaps, beauty products, body lotions and creams, candles, room fresheners, mosquito repellents, hygienic products, bleaches, etc. There are a lot of people who are allergic to high smelling scents. They are considered to be perfume sensitive or allergic. They can suffer a lot under the effect of these kinds of products with perfumes. These effects can be headaches, asthma, breathing problems, skin rashes, or much more.

Perfumed products have been found containing allergen alcoholic mixtures.Cheap Perfume The common allergen chemicals are nickel sulphate, neomycin sulphate, benzyl alcohol, cobalt chloride, etc. Natural substances and aromatic oils like rose oil and clove and cinnamon oils can also cause allergies. These fragrant substances are found in most of the sweet smelling household product. Products containing such chemicals having high scent must be limited in use. They might be harmful to a perfume sensitive or allergic person.

Perfume allergy can cause harm to the level of heartbeat skips, migraines, nausea, asthma, paralysis or loss of voice, etc. But, the common problems are headaches, breathing problems, rashes on skin, pain in the body, inability to speak, etc. One should seek medical guidance as soon as possible if these kinds of symptoms occur under the effect of perfumes. People already having allergies to other substances might also have a perfume allergy. Such people should take care when handling perfumed products and try to limit their use. They should know the immediate medication to take if allergic symptoms start occurring suddenly. Also people should limit the use of perfumes around people having such allergies.

There are only few deodorants that contain perfuming chemicals. Therefore, deodorants are found to be less allergenic. People having allergies to different chemicals might experience a deodorant allergy. This can be tested by simple skin tests like the patch test and the skin prick test. Blood tests can also reveal if any perfume allergy is present or not. A common test is that a deodorant is be sprayed on a small portion of the skin to find out any irritation or swelling after a few hours of use. If such a thing happens, its use must be discontinued.

Chemical allergies have been proven harmful to people and most perfumed products contain such chemical, artificial or natural substances.Mens perfume Therefore it is wise for a chemical allergic person to avoid the use of such products.

Perfumes have been made to spread fragrance in your life, not to harm anybody. But usage of allergen chemical in their making is causing serious problems in men and women. For such people it is advisable to use mild perfumes.

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Finding the Best Perfume

Perfumes with good fragrances are said to change the moods of people. Everyone wants to smell good especially when going out. There are thousands of different perfumes available in the market. How to know which one has been really crafted for your body? There are many methods to find out one, let us have a look.

There are lots of different fragrances available, but choosing the right one is necessary depending on the mood of the occasion you are going to wear it.Discounted Perfume Fragrances are of several types, fruity, floral, musky, woody, etc. Whichever the type, it must be able to enhance your scent rather than giving a terrible smell. Some smell high while some might smell lesser but pleasantly and for long.

The packaging of the perfume is of significant value. It determines the quality of the scent. A good packaging means that the perfume is not going to lose its smell even if not used for long. The storage methods are to be closely checked. If the pack has not been stored properly it might lose its fragrance too soon. Sunlight and moisture are quite harmful for these kinds of products.

The way people have different skin tones, they have different skin types too. Choosing the right one for your skin is a necessity. Otherwise, itching, irritation, allergies might happen or skin rashes might appear. Similarly, everyone does not have same skin scent. The perfume you chose might not go well with your body scent. Perfumes may even smell bad when mixed with your body sweat, so be careful.

It is very important to test a perfume before buying it. If it does not suit you, your investment might go waste.Women Perfume To prevent this from happening, skin testing should be done. Apply the perfume on your palms or a smaller portion of your skin. Notice the duration the scent persists and whether any irritation occurs or not. Closely look out for any skin rashes that might come up the next day. Also check if you are having any allergies. Perfume testing takes time and patience. Trying out too many different perfumes on the same day might be confusing. Take some time and allow your brain to analyze a particular perfume peacefully. The not so good ones smell good and high for some time but might lose their effect after a few hours.

Finding the best perfume for yourself is not as easy as it seems. Care has to be taken when buying one otherwise it may make you feel uncomfortable. Wholesale perfumes are a good deal. They come cheap and have been found to be fresh and better. Patience and carefulness can in fact get you a good perfume even with a lesser investment.

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What Makes a Perfume Sell?

An obvious answer to the question is that the fragrance that determines if a perfume will sell or not. Well, it is an important factor but by far not the only factor. In fact, if all other factors are not taken in account then a great fragrance might not find any takers and vice versa.

To start with, the name of the perfume is the first perception generator amongst the audiences.Cheap Perfume A perfume name like ‘Silk’ will have much different impact than the one named ‘Joy’. The name should compliment the fragrance and at the same time generate curiosity.

It’s an old saying that you should not judge a book by its cover. It’s a good philosophy but hardly works. All of us invariably judge a book by its cover. So the packaging of a perfume goes a long way is getting people’s attention. A classy well-made bottle speaks volumes about the brand and the product. Not just the bottle, people also are governed by the carrying box that must be enticing in itself.

How is selling can be as important factor as what is selling. A brand name that has made a reputation for itself over the years will always find its loyalists try its new creation. They might reject it later if they don’t like the creation but a brand name is sure to get the initial head start. Brands must be careful not the use their following to push rubbish in the market, rather they should maintain a consistency in quality that will make their branding even stronger. Not every perfume will be a top seller but at least it should not be a gam spoiler.

Adding cherry on the cake are the celebrity endorsements.Ladies Perfume Many argue that the cost of celebrity endorsement doesn’t match up to the additional revenues it generates. It’s a fair argument but it’s a trend you cant live without. You need to give a face to the perfume and the bigger the name the better are its chances of selling, at least initially.

These, along with may other big and small factors together contribute to the ultimate sales of perfumes. But eventually it’s only a good fragrance that lasts,literally and figuratively.

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The Secrets of Scents

The world of perfumes is one of the most mysteries kinds. There are more hush words floating around that a Sherlock Homes novel. So much so that saying perfume industry is pillared on secrecy wont be an over statement.

The biggest secret for all perfumes is its formulation itself. There is no legal do & dos for a perfume formula.Cheap Perfume Anybody can mix a bunch of ingredients and come up with a perfume of his own. So the ones who have got a secret in place have to carefully guard it.

Another secret of the perfume industry is that the label on the bottle in most cases is not that of the manufacturer. The big names try to deny it and even come up with fancy stories of how they went about developing their latest perfumes but it’s an open secret as to who did it. The people who attach their names to the perfume are not the ones who invent it. This applies even more so for celebrity perfumes. Everybody knows that J Lo or Beyonce or Liz Taylor or Paris Hilton, didn’t go around making their perfumes. In fact, one cant even be sure whether they use it themselves. What this means is that when you buy a scent by you are purchasing a product they agreed to endorse. So don't be too overawed by a celebrity on the label.

So the biggest challenge for perfume brands is to protect the formulas of their label.One way that they have gone about doing it is making the perfumes incredibly complicated. Add so much to the composition that no one can figure out the exact proportions. Its not a new technique, the same approach was taken with perfumes like Chanel No. 5, Youth Dew, and Evening in Paris, in that they used dozens of ingredients in precise proportions. Even if you could figure out what most of the ingredients you could spend a lifetime in the lab experimenting to get the proper balance.

This and many such smart tactics doesn’t restrict the copycats to do their job.Women Perfume The fake perfume market works on one and only governing principal i.e. pricing. They know if they make 70 – 75% of the original and sell it at 50% cost they will find enough buyers. Obviously, their target audience is not the enthusiasts who will be able to tell the copy from the original. They go after casual users who have heard a brand name, like the thrill of using it and are not much aware of what the real thing smells like.

To summarize, the perfume industry has been living on secrecy for centuries and will continue to do so, while the copycats will also continue to find a way of earning their living in the market.

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Saturday 8 October 2011

Wearing Perfumes According To The Season

If you want to leave an impression on people in a party or special occasion then perfumes can help you. Perfume helps you smell good and get people’s attention. The only problem with perfumes is that if you spray too strong perfume on your body then it might irritate people around you. You must know which perfume suits you the best before applying them and you should also wear perfumes according to the season.

It is not that easy to choose the best perfume. You might get confuse between too many perfumes.Discounted Perfume There are many factors that will help you in choosing a perfect perfume for your body. You must choose the perfume according to the season as it effects the strength of the perfume. Summer season enhances the strength of the perfume whereas the winter season weakens the strength of the perfume.

Summers are the best part of the year. Children wait for summer vacation. Long and wonderful days, Sunday evenings and beautiful atmosphere; everything about summer is just fascinating. The perfect perfume for summer is a light and elegant fragrance. Perfumes get strengthen in hot season so a light fragrance will be helpful to smell good. A citrusy and floral fragrance suits the hot summer season.

The winter is just an amazing season. Winter is considered as the romantic season. The warmth of the daylight is a mesmerizing experience in winter. There are many reasons for a perfect fragrance to be worn in winter as it is the season of festivals like Christmas. Cold season weakens the perfume so it is recommended to choose strong perfumes in winter.

Spring is another wonderful season of the year. The freshness is all around in the spring season. The spring season is really amazing and one should wear a light and citrusy fragrance in spring season. Spring is the starting time of the year and also comes just before the summer season so the fragrance should reflect the freshness and optimism.

The fourth and last season is autumn season and one should wear the suitable fragrance in this season. Womens Perfume Autumn comes after the summer season and before the winter season. It is truly a romantic season with leaves on ground and love in the air. The fragrance chosen for this season should be sensual. A musky and spicy fragrance will be perfect for this season.

There are many sites available on internet offering best perfumes with their full detail. You can also get Cheap Designer Perfume and discounted fragrance. provides best deals. You just need to place an order online and you will get the perfume at your door step.

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